I think this is a recent change because I don't recall this being a problem in the past. But i have noticed that currently, the URL has the article version number in it (/version/10?kb_language=en_US) This means that if any one has an article bookmarked for quick access, if we link to an article within an article, or link to an article anywhere else. Those links always have to be updated when a change is made to the article. The URL needs to be static so that it always points to the most current article. To clarify, after doing some digging. The URL with the version # is presented after clicking "view published" from the editor. With the old editor it just provided the static link for the article. Often when creating or editing an article, the person doing the work will click "view publised" check the work and then use the link to share out to others. Now that the link changes with each version, we have to go find the article from the search function and use that link. All in all, pretty confusing.