Limit appearance of glossary terms
under review
Joel Andrews
Some terms might appear quite a few times in a given article, and it might get annoying to have the definitions popping up all over the place through the whole thing, especially if there are a number of terms in the same article. It would be nice to be able to set the definition links to only appear on the first 3 to 5 instances, say.
Raff Lagatta
We have decided until this feature gets a bit of improvement to not use this feature and instead, simply have a static Glossary page with a table and links to relevant articles. We decided to implement it at first but we found the definitions everywhere was way too obtrusive and just popped up everywhere, including within accordion titles. They even appear within the Glossary itself which looked a bit silly. The definitions really should only appear once or twice at the start of the article and then not continue, otherwise it's just too much.
Raff Lagatta
We have actually thought of a good way this could be improved. For each page containing glossary terms, rather than every glossary word having a definition of the word when you hover over it, have some sort of way that all applicable glossary terms visible on the page show up at the bottom of the page and then clicking any glossary term in the article takes you to the bottom of the page so you can read all applicable glossary terms. In doing this though, there will need to be a way for the user to get back to the part of the article where they reached the bottom of the page, otherwise it will be very disjointed if they have to scroll up to where they were.
Muris Brcaninovic
under review
Yelena Varabyeva
This would be very useful
Raff Lagatta
Yes, we are new to Helpjuice and while the glossary function is fantastic, it would be great if there wan an option to manually remove the odd one here and there. For example, we regularly have the word 'tasks' in our documents, which is a feature within our software. Once we've had that glossary term on a page a couple of times, we could remove the rest. In addition, sometimes the term comes up when it's irrelevant, for example, if 'contact' is a glossary term, and then you have a page that says 'contact customer service', your glossary term will appear over the word 'contact' which in this instance would be incorrect.
Veena P
This is a problem, especially if the glossary term appears as part of a hyperlinked article title. The user, instead of being able to easily click on the article hyperlink, gets the glossary definition pop-up, which can be irritating, and also cause them to not click on the article at all.
Duco Mansvelder
Probably better to have a seperate table next to the article which shows all the glossary terms in the article only once.
Lynn Marino
We would like them to appear where we link them, and no where else if that is possible
Simon Heide
we will have the same problem as sharon: overkill. other kb tools already offer this (e.g. confluence, knowledgeowl):
- appear-limitation to x times in an article. x can be set by the admin.
- individual deactivation / activation of a glossary term in a specific text passage.
Sharon Chester
In general, just having finer control over the glossary function would be great. If I could choose whether a term I insert into the glossary is automatically marked throughout my KB, or be able to remove an instance via the UI (right-click function) rather than the html editor. Or even have a more general function where we can insert a new term and then choose whether it's automatically marked in the whole KB. I was really excited about the glossary at first, but with just a few test entries and all the automatic markup, it's quickly turned into overkill. We aren't going to be able to use it in its current state because some articles that are very concept-heavy will turn into 60% or higher glossary markups.
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