Ivanna Parra
Merged in a post:
Analytics - Swifty AI Chatbot
Kanhong Lin
I would like to see some keywords or search phrases that people input into Swifty AI in the analytics dashboard. It will help me better understand how people are framing their questions.
David MacVicar
This is a 'must have'.
Filipe Nóbrega
For my use case, I only need to identify who is asking without the need for full identity management. A simple identifier works just fine. Intercom handles this elegantly by hashing the user for authentication and then passing this hashed value in the embedded JS configuration.
This method enables users to see their past questions while maintaining security and privacy.
Muris Brcaninovic
Merged in a post:
Swifty Metrics
Christine Perez
It would be nice to have metrics around the utilization of swifty specifically like other chatbots have.
Tommy Mains
Yes, please.
Alin Stan
Analytics are extremely important for us, since they:
1) Reveal user behavior and user interest.
2) Allow us to tweak content depending on user interaction with the Chat Bot.
3) Contribute to understanding the importance / effectiveness of our Help Center across global regions of customers.
4) Can help us identify / track important trends.
And many others.
The Chat Bot is an incredible tool that you've built - a simple tool that will bring all your customers into the future. Thanks for your work, and looking forward to using the data coming out of this.
Katharina V.
Alin Stan ,Yes to everything you've listed here!
Not being able to see what customers are asking is preventing us from making targeted improvements to our knowledge base to improve bot performance.
Paul Strachan
completely agree. We don't get any analytics from Swifty apart from the search terms used so we're now having to try and build our own metrics using the API for when Swifty is used.
When people use Swifty it would be amazing to have full analytics for this too. For us, it's the only thing missing from an amazing product